First Aid Travel Kit – Powered with Essential Oils

First Aid Travel Kit – Powered with Essential Oils

First Aid Travel Kit – Powered with Essential Oils


Spray Bottles:

(D.I.Y. – take 1 oz or 2 oz spray bottles and fill ¾ with distilled water, apply label after you cap and clean the spray bottle. Use 3-10 drops of different oils that are listed )

Buzz off bug spray – 10 drops of doTERRA’s Terrasheild
Sunburn Spray – 10 drops each of doTERRA’s Peppermint oil and lavender
Hand Sanitizer – 10 drops doTERRA’s Onguard Oil, or 5 drops Purify 5 drops lemon
Aches & Pains – 10 drops doTERRA’s Peppermint, 5 deep Deep Blue and aromatouch

Rollon Bottles:

(D.I.Y. – take 5 ml or 10ml roller bottles, fill ¾ with fractionated coconut oil, then add 5-10 drops of the corresponding oils)

Tummy love – 8 drops doTERRA’s Digestzen 8 drops
Headaches – doTERRA’s Pasttense
Sleep/Stress – 8 drops each of: doTERRA’s Lavender, Vetiver and Serenity

doTERRA’s Deep Blue Rub
doTERRA’s Onguard Toothpaste / Toothbrushes
doTERRA’s Lip Balm
doTERRA’s Onguard Drops
doTERRA’s Breath Drops
Clean Hand towel
Non-Latex rubber gloves

All purpose healing salve (D.I.Y.) or use doTERRA’s Correct X

⅝ drams bottles of these doTERRA’s oils:

  • Peppermint (energy, cooling, indigestion, motion sickness, headaches)
  • Lavender (Burns, Rashes, insect bites, relaxation, stress)
  • Lemon (air/water surface purification, moods
  • DigestZen (Stomach discomfort)
  • Purify (Air/surface disinfectant, immunity)
  • OnGuard (build up immune system)
  • Melaleuca (but Gites, sore throats, wounds)
  • Clove (pain Relief, headaches, nausea)
  • Copaiba (everything)
  • Fractionated Coconut oil

doTERRA’s essential oils can be purchased at: for dram bottles, roller bottles, spray bottles, etc
For beeswax, and other butters to make items, can be found at


All Americans should have some basic supplies on hand in order to survive. The checklist provided in this booklet is a great start, most of the items are inexpensive and easy to find, and any one of them could save your life. After an emergency, you may need to survive on your own for several days. Being prepared means having your own food, water and other supplies to last for at least 72 hours (3 days). A disaster supplies kit is a collection of basic items your household or business may need in the event of an emergency.

When preparing a kit, consider potential Geological hazards in your area and prepare your kit with items that may support the type of disaster you are more likely to encounter. Hazards such as Flooding, Forest Fires, Tsunami, Volcano, Landslides, Snow, Ice storms, and/or Windstorms. Other hazards that you may not think of could include utility interruption or failure, ie; telecommunications, electrical power, water, gas and/or pollution control.

Some factors are human caused and must be considered: robbery, lost person, child abduction, extortion, hostage incident, workplace violence, demonstrations, civil disturbance, terrorism, bombs, explosions and/or war.

Since you do not know where you will be when an emergency occurs, consider extra kits to prepare with appropriate supplies for home, work and/or vehicles for any  “grab and go” situation.


Keep this kit in a designated place and have it ready in case you have to leave your home quickly. Make sure all family members know where the kit is kept.

Be prepared to shelter at work for at least 24 hours. Your work kit should include food, water and other necessities like medicines, as well as comfortable walking shoes. Be trained to use fire extinguishers, and to clean up small spills of hazardous materials. Also be aware of areas of security, evacuation and locations to meet-up.

Vehicle: In case you are stranded, keep a kit of emergency supplies in your car. This may include flares, tire repair, blankets and snacks.

Businesses: Many “physical needs” are still the same listed here in the front of the book.  In the back portion of this work book, you will find more specific lists for businesses to implement.

Basic emergency supply kit could include the following recommended items:
θ Water – one gallon of water per person
per day for at least three days,
for drinking and sanitation



__ Food – at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food

__ Battery-powered or hand crank radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert

__ Flashlight

__ First aid kit, band-aids, wraps, etc.

__ Extra batteries for radio, etc.

__ Cell phone with chargers and a backup battery

__ Whistle to signal for help

__ Dust mask to help filter contaminated air and plastic sheeting and duct tape to create a shelter-in-place

__ Moist towelettes or towels for personal sanitation (use the oils for this as well)

__ Garbage bags and plastic ties

__ Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities

__ Manual can opener for food

__ Matches in a waterproof container

__ Local maps (with potential shelters marked)

__ Cash or traveler’s checks


Additional Emergency Supplies to consider:

__ Prescription medications (note expiration dates) (Long Live Vitality)

__ Glasses and contact lens solution

__ Infant formula, bottles, diapers, wipes, etc.

__ Pet food and extra water for your pet

__ Important family documents such as copies of insurance policies, identification and bank account records saved electronically or in a
waterproof, portable container

__ Sleeping bag or warm blanket for each person

__ Complete change of clothing appropriate for your climate and sturdy shoes

__ Fire extinguisher

__ Feminine supplies and personal hygiene items

__ Mess kits, paper cups, plates, paper towels and plastic utensils

__ Paper and pencil

__ Books, games, or other activities for children

__ Warm clothes such as gloves, hats, dry socks

Maintaining Your Kit

After assembling your kit remember to maintain it so it’s ready when needed:

__ Rotate out expiring items  (medications, canned foods, and/or protein bars)

__ Keep canned food in a cool, dry place

__ Store boxed food in tightly closed plastic (waterproof) or metal containers

__ Re-think your needs every year and update your kit as your family’s needs change

__ Kit storage locations

Even though mass care shelters often provide water, food, medicine and basic sanitary facilities, you should plan to take your disaster supplies kit with you so you will have the supplies you require. Mass care sheltering can involve living with many people in a confined space, which can be difficult and unpleasant. To avoid conflicts in the stressful situation, it is important to cooperate with shelter managers and others assisting them. Keep in mind that alcoholic beverages and weapons are forbidden in emergency shelters and smoking is restricted.

Search for open shelters by texting SHELTER and a Zip Code to 43362 (4FEMA). Ex: Shelter 01234

Set-up where to call or who to contact for a “Common safe place.”

If family becomes separated and/or to update other family members, have an agreed upon location, and out of area contact person that can be the central station for communication.

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