2018 doTERRA Dream Convention Recap!

Front row L to R: Matthew & Seantay Hall, Natalie & Andy Goddard, Cindy & Don Brown. Back row L to R: Suzanne & Mike Hall, Yvonne Goldsmith, Becky (ME), Danna Haddock, Terrie May, Kathleen Kohler, ReaAnne Hall, Jeannie, Dawn Marie & Ken
2018 doTERRA Dream Convention Recap!

“Sitting in the box seats at the Vivant center, was a big treat from our upline Matthew and Seantay, as they won the spot!”
doTERRA sure knows how to put on a convention! WOW, and a convention it was! A perfect way to show off celebrating 10 years, with being the #1 MLM company in the USA, but they don’t boast that they concentrate on the product and education of the products.
We also got treated not once, but twice to dinner from our direct upline, Natalie and Andy Goodard. They are beautiful amazing leaders, http://natalieandy.com/ Their entrepreneurship of building a business in doTERRA has far reached any other. Also, our other upline Suzanne Hall and her awesome husband Mike invited me over for lunch and we had a nice visit about the convention and our dreams!
The first day, doTERRA announced all of their new product lines, and we are so excited to have finally Tumeric, followed by Pink Pepper, Yarrow | Pom, a children’s collection that has 6 oil blends that support the heart | body | brain, and Onguard mouthwash, a new deodorant that has balance essential oil in it, Magnolia, and Green Mandarine.
These new products will be rolled out – some on Oct 1, the rest on Nov 1, and last the Yarrow | Pom in December. So, maybe you might want to make sure you get yourself to one of the Post Convention Tour Events, here is the link of the locations and dates, and RSVP! They often have those kits available at a discounted rate! https://www.doterra.com/US/en/post-convention-tour

doTERRA 2018 new products!
Some of the other highlights included:

Matthew and Seantay Hall walking as Diamonds

This famous actor, Hugh Jackman
I have to admit, I did not know who Hugh Jackman is, and when he came onto the stage, I felt like I was the only person who did not know who he is! But yes, extremely cute and amazing voice and such a great personality. After some of his performance, he sat on the stage and was interviewed by one of the owners of doTERRA and they talked about using the oils and he is a funny guy!
We are super excited about the new Vet Panel, for helping and bringing together information essential oils and pets. There is so many misinformation out there and this will be a huge thing for doTERRA!! The panel consists of quality people that have been using the oils for a very long time with their pets.
and we are even more super excited about the new health clinics, Called PRIME MERIDIAN health clinics. The name and logo are bringing Western Medicine along with other modalities, such as massage, chiropractic, yoga, etc., together to help the understanding of the whole body, and proactive care. This integrative approach is the promise to be an interruption to our medical system as we know it. You can join like a gym membership, that is a subscription-based model to make managing your healthcare needs easy. Each doctor visit is a promised 1/2 hour visit, so the doctor can understand all that you are going through not just the average a 7-minute visit and prescribe drugs. The clinics will not take any insurance. There is no co-pay, there is telemedicine, meaning you can also ring up your doctor and video chat – sometimes it is a quick thing or sometimes those chicken pox are best to stay out of a clinic! The website will have a patient portal, that you can schedule appointments and have access to your own medical records. Transparency! They are opening up 3 more clinics, one in Phoenix AZ, one in Tennessee, and one more in Utah, where the original clinic is being built on the doTERRA campus.
What does this mean to you? the opportunity for doTERRA to start documenting and collaborating with doctors data on essential oils, and the uses. Doctors will be able to prescribe essential oils, but they can’t sell them. They will refer to the wellness advocates in the area.
Visit the website at www.pmhclinics.com.
There was a lot of science talk about the purity of doTERRA essential oils. Purity really matters. Inflammation is caused by toxicity, and when essential oils are indoctrinated or stretched with other oils, they can actually cause harm to the body. doTERRA stands behind their 3rd party testing. This is how they do it: They test the oil where the oil is distilled, which is at a co-op distillery with partnered farmers around 50 miles location of the farms. Co-impact sourcing and partnerships with these farmers have taken much training, research and time and money to create and is the backbone of doTERRA’s mission. Once the oil is created, it is tested at a 3rd party lab, in the USA, and the results are sent to doTERRA’s headquarters in UTAH. At doTERRA’s lab, they test it and also send samples to a different 3rd party to ensure the results. Then a purchase order is sent for the oil and once the oil arrives at doTERRA’s bottling plant, they test it again.
Not only is the purity so extremely important, but you also can’t imagine on the other side of these growers, what difference you make when you buy a bottle of oil. Check out this video:
And lastly, one of the other standouts for me was the last speaker! She talked about inspiration and no matter what sticking to it. Her mom is Karol Truman, author of my favorite book: “Feelings buried alive never die”, and that book has made a huge impact on me. We as a society, it seems to me anyhow, that so many people are living small and stuck in patterns of unhealthiness. From relationships, jobs, health, financial, and some people deal with deeper issues of drug abuse, homelessness, PTST, and really people are not living to their fullest potential. I feel and believe that God gave us many gifts and our life journey is to use those gifts for being a contribution to the world. They usually are bigger than our oneself. And the ability to reach outside of ourselves is the miracle of living. I Just really love that doTERRA wants to help everyone live their fullest potential, health and financial. It is not about making money, it is about making a difference for one person at a time, one drop at a time. You can’t do doTERRA as a business unless you grow personally. This really is a self-growth company.
If you love the oils and want to share – give me a call. Let’s talk. I am looking for people who want to walk this journey with me, no run, run this journey with me, as there are so many people who need our help and God’s asking for us to heal the nations. I am looking for people who are passionate about helping and willing to work hard, and do what it takes to run this marathon!